Monday, November 4, 2013

Ashley Suzanne

First and foremost, please tell us a little bit about yourself.  I'm not really that exciting.  I'm a mom of 2 little boys, a wife, a full time employee and an author.  I love football and ALWAYS cheer for my Detroit teams!!  I'm a book worm and a blogger.  I spend way too much time on FB.  I have a select group of girls I chat with all the time.  They are my lifeline!  My husband leaves me alone so I can write and my kids live off of mac and cheese!

You tend to write various types of genres.  What's your favorite to write and why?  What are you most comfortable to write and why?  I find myself sticking with Romance - New Adult.  It seems to be what flows the best.  Who knows though, that might change.  I love writing romance!!!  I love writing about couples and I'm an ANGST whore!

Are you a plotter or a pantser? I don't know what this means, but I'll go out on a limb and say plotter!

What is your writing routine?  Wake up at 7 to get the kids ready for the day .. Spend about an hour reading over what I wrote the night before .. do my actual day job .. get the kids from school and daycare .. get the oldest too and from football .. make some dinner and maybe clean up a little .. 7pm the youngest goes to bed and the oldest goes to watch tv after practice .. get situated, light some candles, take a hot ass shower, turn on the Pandora and plot/write until I can't hold my eyes open .. wake up the next day and start again.

Where do you find your inspiration?  Friends .. Family .. Situations I've been through before .. Dreams .. Plotting with my other author friends .. Music  .. Fall smell candles .. and I've recently started writing with a group of girls from an author group I belong too .. it keeps me motivated

Where did you come up with the concept for MIRAGE? Mirage started off as a stand alone.  Then I had a dream about my husband dying .. we spent a while talking out the "what if's" and he said, maybe you should write about this .. and I did lol

Did the characters come first, or did the storyline?  Danny was the first thing I thought of .. he's inspired by a real person that my husband lost .. then all the others followed suit .. and then the story line!

What type of relationship is your favorite to explore and develop?  I like to work out the "not supposed to be together" couples .. I think they make for the most angst and best story line

What type of person is your ideal heroine when you're both reading and writing?  What type of person is your ideal hero when you're both reading and writing?  Are they the same?  Why or why not?  My heroine needs to be strong minded but know when to take a back seat and let the man be the alpha.  I don't like overly confident/too strong females .. and the males need to be EXTREME alpha .. i'm talking cave man style .. GAWD I love them!!!

What has the publishing process been like? Inception was a lot easier than Mirage.  Mirage was a NIGHTMARE.  It was problem after problem and I thought I was drowning.  I'm surprised I decided to publish another book.  I'm so happy I did though.  Inception was easy and a lot of fun to do actually!

Would you recommend advertisements or did you market your books through a different venue? I'm a big fan of my street team.  Those girls are dedicated and I love them all!!  I have never purchased an ad but I'm not opposed to is.  This is a business; a way many of us support our families.  I'm sure that if the right type of advertising came my way, I wouldn't snub my nose at it.

How involved are you in terms of editing/book cover/release date/marketing process?  My editor and I talk on a weekly basis, even when she's not working on something for me.  When she's editing, we talk daily.  My cover designer is one of my closest friends and I talk to her multiple times daily.  Release day and marketing I do with my street team.  I don't leave everything to them, but i'm sure I could (they're that good!)

Are you working on anything now? I'm working on Awakening Book 2 in the Destined Series and Façade Book 2.5 in the Destined Series.  *fingers crossed* I can release both this year!

Any upcoming releases?   Awakening will be in November and Façade hopefully in December, if I can keep pace and not get writers block.

@itsashleyyo ----- twitter

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